Catching Car Mileage Numbers


“7777…8?!??!“, exclaimed Bob, “I missed it again! Argh!” Every time there’s an interesting number coming up, he notices and then promptly forgets. Who doesn’t like catching those one-off interesting mileage numbers?

Let’s make it so Bob never misses another interesting number. We’ve hacked into his car’s computer, and we have a box hooked up that reads mileage numbers. We’ve got a box glued to his dash that lights up yellow or green depending on whether it receives a 1 or a 2 (respectively).

It’s up to you, intrepid warrior, to glue the parts together. Write the function that parses the mileage number input, and returns a 2 if the number is “interesting” (see below), a 1 if an interesting number occurs within the next two miles, or a 0 if the number is not interesting.

Note: In Haskell, we use No, Almost and Yes instead of 0, 1 and 2.

“Interesting” Numbers

Interesting numbers are 3-or-more digit numbers that meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Any digit followed by all zeros: 100, 90000
  • Every digit is the same number: 1111
  • The digits are sequential, incementing†: 1234
  • The digits are sequential, decrementing‡: 4321
  • The digits are a palindrome: 1221 or 73837
  • The digits match one of the values in the awesomePhrases array

† For incrementing sequences, 0 should come after 9, and not before 1, as in 7890.
‡ For decrementing sequences, 0 should come after 1, and not before 9, as in 3210.

So, you should expect these inputs and outputs:

// "boring" numbers
isInteresting(3, [1337, 256]);    // 0
isInteresting(3236, [1337, 256]); // 0

// progress as we near an "interesting" number
isInteresting(11207, []); // 0
isInteresting(11208, []); // 0
isInteresting(11209, []); // 1
isInteresting(11210, []); // 1
isInteresting(11211, []); // 2

// nearing a provided "awesome phrase"
isInteresting(1335, [1337, 256]); // 1
isInteresting(1336, [1337, 256]); // 1
isInteresting(1337, [1337, 256]); // 2

Error Checking

  • A number is only interesting if it is greater than 99!
  • Input will always be an integer greater than 0, and less than 1,000,000,000.
  • The awesomePhrases array will always be provided, and will always be an array, but may be empty. (Not everyone thinks numbers spell funny words…)
  • You should only ever output 0, 1, or 2.


题目很长,但总结起来,无非就是输入一个 number 类型的数据,检查是否符合上述列出的所谓「interesting number」的规则,按照规则输出 0,1 或 2。以下是自己看到的一个非常简洁的答案,答案来自 laoris, jwong483, Marlen

function isInteresting(number, awesomePhrases) {
  var tests = [
    function(n) { return /^\d00+$/.test(n); },
    function(n) { return /^(\d)\1+$/.test(n); },
    function(n) { return RegExp(n).test(1234567890); },
    function(n) { return RegExp(n).test(9876543210); },
    function(n) { return n + '' == (n + '').split('').reverse().join(''); },
    function(n) { return awesomePhrases.some(function(p) { return p == n; }); }

  var interesting = 0;
  tests.some(function(test) {
    if (number > 99 && test(number))
      return interesting = 2;
    else if ((number > 98 && test(number + 1)) || (number > 97 && test(number + 2)))
      interesting = 1;
  return interesting;

这个答案在代码结构上很厉害的一点在于,使用了 some() 这个函数,以及加上完全由函数组成的 array 数组,来进行给定规则的检验。 some() 方法主要用于测试数组中某些元素。用法就是在方法 some() 中定义一个 callback 回调函数,数组中的每一个元素作为回调函数的参数依次传入到回调函数中(回调函数的意思就是函数作为函数的参数,这里有点儿绕) 。

在这个例子里,tests 是事先定义好的数组,数组的每一个元素都是一个函数。对这个数组使用 some() 方法,在其中定义了一个回调函数,形如:

    if(number > 99 && test(number)){
        // code here
    //code here

在实际执行过程中,tests 中的每一个元素 element,都会作为回调函数的参数 test 传递进回调函数中。因为 tests 数组里的元素都是函数,所以这里使用参数 test 时也是把它当作函数来使用的。因此才会看到有 test(number) 这样的语句。

关于 some() 方法,MDN 上给了一个更加简单的例子,来帮助理解这其中的参数传导:

function isBigEnough(element, index, array) {
  return (element >= 10);
var passed = [2, 5, 8, 1, 4].some(isBigEnough);
// passed is false
passed = [12, 5, 8, 1, 4].some(isBigEnough);
// passed is true

明白了整个算法的结构,其实在 tests 中定义的检测函数,也都非常巧妙。

  • 形如 [1234, 8765] 这类数,把被检测数转化成 RegExp 逆向使用正则表达式;
  • n+'' 把数字转化成数组;
  • 检测 palindrome 回文数,使用 reverse() 方法,判断反转后是否相等。

